Our daily rituals consists of waking up early around 6-7am to have breakfast in the studio and go to Maccas for their FREE Wi-Fi. The four of us got ready to go to Regent Street and walk along Oxford Street via Tube at EARLS COURT.
Stepping out of the underground tube to see the busy cars, locals and fellow tourists amongst the London Architecture was surreal! It was like in a scene of a European movie!! We walked down window shopping at the high-rollah stores as we all couldn't afford to buy anything.
Time for a coffee break in one underground leveled cafe. Their coffee in London is SHIT!!!... Sydney kicks ass! A Londoner (Josh) Jr & I met on the plane on the way to Heathrow mentioned that there were only 3 good coffee joints in London. Boo! :(
More shops like NIKETOWN was a few store we checked out and drooled over their goods.
Urban Outfitters was also an awesome store to check out. Vintage fashion made new and a fusion of lifestyle. It was depressing coz I was limiting myself from shopping too soon. Wait till I get a job and then I'll be high-rollah!
It was time to go back as some of us were getting tired. Powernap & a snack was required back at the studio.
After craving food, Jr prepared toast for us but had to talk to the Landlord - so appointed Denise to look out for the toast in the grill. As you can tell she did a shit job. So we had to air out the room as it reeked. Note, this wasn't the last time burning toast occurred.
We just chilled in the room till we met up with Jr's cousin Pao-Pao for dinner. We ad plans to eat Filo nearby. (Earls Court was apparently Filo Central, hence the BPI Bank we saw on a side street).
A variety of dished were ordered: Diniguan, Adobo, Sinigang, Litchon & Palabok. Drinks were beer, sprite & good old gulaman. Food no offense wasn't crash hot, I probably could of made a better home cooked meal!
After dinner we chilled on a pub located on the corner. Had beers and chatted about random shit. I found my beer! Peroni - here I come!!!
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