DAY: 2
From the early nights rest w
e had the previous night, we were up early at 7am. We all got ready and had breakfast in the room - toasted bread with cheese, soup & water, the basics just to get by.
We made our way to Maccas for the free wi-fi they offer to do research on property. Already we made the calls to negotiate and planned a inspection in ANGEL north east of where we were.
Tubed it to Angel with a connecting tube from Kings Cross, 30-45min ride. We discovered that Angel was a lively place to be in. It had markets, a shopping complex and a range of various streets filled with pubs, restaurants, cafes and shops. It's equivalent to Sydney's Newtown but more youthy & more energy.
We were scheduled to meet with Louise at 11am outside the property. Se finally arrived late and took us up to the top level to view a split level apartment. OMG!

Walking around Angel, we saw how vibrant it was and how much we would so fit in the area. We were conned in by the market food stores Med-Food by it's tasty olives & antipastos. The sound of Mexican music caught our attention, especially staff members standing round giving free nachos. Chillango, a Mexican food store was giving out free food & drinks. That won our hearts and the hearts of other Londoners that packed lines. After an hour wait or so we finally got our FREE feed! Woot! No room indoors to eat so we had to fight the cold while eating our burritos and overly alcoholic free drink.
Rod had recognised a friend from back home, ROB - the guy Tine & Tim were planning to stay with in London before we all settled in. So we were all outside chatting, Rob giving us the low down of London life, jobs and property. He was a character with his easy-go-lucky random experience he shared with us.
After wondering the Angel streets we settled to a place called Lloyds, a pub/bar/bistro indoor joint for us to just have a beer and recuperate. More discussions on the Angel property and future properties. Jr's cousin Pao-Pao can by for a beer and more convo & questions to be asked by all 4 of us. Chilling there for a while got us a bit tired so we retreated back to the studio and was dreading the tube back to Earls Court.
Plans were to watch a movie on our laptops, but everyone just crashed and burned from the long day we had.
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