The 'Coffee Shop' downstairs from our room was loaded with graff! Visually stimulating...

We all visited another 'Coffee Shop' in the early morning from 'Breakfast'...

We walked to ANNE FRANK's House, but the line was too long to wait - the 3 boys were leaving in the afternoon to head back to London.

Some sugary treats...

GROUP SHOT!!! Thanks to the random lady tourist that took this photo!

Poor Lolo was getting sleepy!...

While everyone power-napped, I continued reading my book! I Heart Eward Cullen!... Hmmm.. I feel like I'm in High School again!

Rod, Denise, Tim & Tine went on a Canal Cruise - so Jr & I went walkabout and checked out Amsterdam's 'Shopping Centre'. Show me some shoes!!!

Dinner was 'Wok To Wok' - Asian food for the past few days in Amsterdam, that makes sense?!

Dessert at BEN'S 'Coffee Shop'...

A night in celebrating Timmy's 25th Birthday...

I've never seen Jr smile so much & laugh so hard in my life!!!
Happy Birthday Rod & Tim!
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