An early morning arrival - before 6am!! Some got sleep some looked like Zombies! We had a few stops before we actually got to Amsterdam. Saw the sun rising between the building & architecture. Our Coach Driver was a classic with a harsh Scottish accent, cracking jokes and being a smartass for the duration of your ride. We trained it to Central Station once we got dropped off at the Coach Terminal.

Breakfast at ALLSTARS - a hearty meal with luke-warm coffee. We were all pretty exhausted from the coach ride but didn't want to wast the day as we were blessed with good weather & sunshine!

We were killing time as we had a late check-in in the Red Light District Hostel we were crashing at. We only booked for 3 people, so the boys went to check in while the girls waited round absorbing the air & scenery.

Once all was settled, we checked out the SEX MUSEUM. Boy was it an eye-opener!!! I've never felt so grossed out in my life... So many images of humans, animals, props.... Ah Welcome to Amsterdam! (Again!)

It was QUEEN'S DAY that week we arrived in Amsterdam, so there was a very festive feel to the whole experience. There were more people and tourists on the streets compared to the first time JR & I visited.

You've got to try FEBOS Milkshake for only 1 Euro!! Amazing! Better than Maccas! Haha.

You also have to try their HOT CHIPS!!... Dunked with Mayo! Oww-Yeah!

While Tim, Maria & Frankie opted out of the Heineken Museum, the rest of us were excited for the beer tasting!! We scored some discounted prices which made us feel better.

Besides the history/marketing side of the beer - they showed us how they made it and that we could try it!

Yes there was a Beer Ride!?...

Here comes the best part - trying it... You're meant to have a sip of it first and hold if for 4 seconds it in the front of your mouth near the tip of your tongue and then drink it... What happens is that you taste the sweetness in the front and then the bitterness of the beer at the back. Hmmm.....

With our entrance fee, we got 2 FREE drinks included in the package... Yay! Welcome to the Heineken Bar!!!

Jr got to have a turn behind the bar - nice job!! Scoring another free drink and doing a good job pouring it!! Rod had a few too many turns next - he managed to give too much 'head' and smash a glass or two! LOL.

After a long day of especially walking we needed a powernap!

After the crave for INDO food, we found a restaurant - surprisingly with no Asians. The moment we walked in, we coped stares from almost every table! The waitress made us wait in the next room, which was poorly lit and had a manky smell! Not happy Jan!!!

After the confusion of Nasi Goreng - we were semi-satisfied with our meals...

Time for some action!! The Red Light District...

There were so many people out a night - all prodiminantly males. All hovering around the windows seeing the 'goods' and catching a few guys entering the rooms... For Rod & Tim's Birthday, we all went to watch a 'movie' at CASA ROSSO....

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