Seeing the beautiful scenes along the road was spectacular!!! Blue water and mountains of snow!!! Very nice!!! We stayed at a hotel out of Venice... Russot Hotel..

We bused it into Venice with the tour and our Guide gave us a very speedy City-Walking-Tour... She gave us the brief historical info along with the trivial stuff.
Entering Italy we saw the various street art that was plastered everywhere... It was different as I saw the dirty side of Venice along with its beauty.

Here is the store where they made the masks for the movie "EYES WIDE SHUT'....

Welcome to St Marcus Square.... a pigeon filled area (gross for me but for the Italians they're like Gods??)...

We went on a 20min gondola ride.... with 4 other people from our tour. Two of the guys on the gondola decided to swap seats while we were moving (not a good idea!!). The boat started rocking hard I thought we were going to flip!!! Arghhhh!!!....

Venice at night was even more beautiful!!!

Jr & I decided to walk back on the trail our Tour-Guide rushed us through rather than catch a Water-Taxi back to the Bus Station. We were pretty confident on our way around, till we got to an area that didn't look familiar!! Noo!! We were lost in the dark alleys of Venice... I remembered hearing our Guide saying "If you get lost, it's OK...it's part of the experience!"... I don't think JR was keen on the fun side of it... He was getting very worried as we were getting further into no-mans-land....& the dark spots of the Labyrinth-Venice. We asked a few people for some directions, but the first couple gave us the wrong way. Earlier that afternoon when we got gelato, the shop assistant said "Be careful as some people actually give the wrong directions purposely"... OMG... How can people be so cruel to tourists!!! We finally found our way back after getting the right directions from a lady we asked. We both felt comforted by seeing the bright lights and people traffic.

Back to the room, we were more relaxed that we found our way home... Oh and experience all right!!!

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