The day of my farewell was spent earlier with Tine and Yudi in a Camden Pub!... Like all London Pubs - cosy, warm and antique-ey look... It was good catching up with Yudi during her lunch break. Tine and I soon headed off to get ready for the evening.

Anam Bar on Chapel Market in Angel! The best cocktail bar I reckon!!! First guests arrives - Will, Rick and Erv!...

Kuya Rod with the first shot!... Dangerous is what I say!!!...

Next in line was Denise! With my favourite! Vanilla Mojitooooo!

Charlito and Alexus...

A surprise visit by Simon!!!! Yay!

Then my bosses from FRAE... Martyn and Don...



Kate - the other half of Don!! Boooom!

Dwayne and Mary...

Vi-J-J and Jainnie...


The special request of DJ CARL!...

Special guests! Ninja's folks!!! Tito Manny and Tita Lulu... My sis and Tim... We all made sure that Ninja's folks a good night out!... Shots and dancing the night away... Beyonce Tita Beyonce!..


Charlie-man and Michelle...

With their cousin Jr!... Yay!

Yas and Yudi...

Bar-chick... Anitaaaaa!!!


Love you TINE!!!

The FRAE-ERS....

Original Angel Girls!... Booom!

Maida Girls.... Boom-chicka-wahh-wahhhh!... Kenjie, Liz, Maria...





Upside down- upside downnn....-upside downn...


Charlito the cameran-man...



Happy days!!!...

Owwww... My Frae girls!... Gonna miss you guys!! :(

Tommy-boy!!!... Nicole couldn't make it! :(

The owner of Anam... TIM and Barman Simon....


Liz got to play with Jr.... :\

The boys got up to some mischief!...

Som-sam-may-not-vong....and her other half... sweetness!

Breaking it down on the dancefloor!... Bubble gum rapping to Vanilla Ice...Ice-a-baby!!...


Getting jigging on the dancefloor...

Saying goodbye is hard! :(

Thanks to all my mates that came down to Anam!!! I will miss you guys heaps!!! Continue traveling and having a blast!....