An amazing venue with so much to see!!
Illustrations and prints that were inspiring to the creative eye! London has some muchhhh creative minds it's not funny!!!
The first room held the newbies...
Then the Peepshow Collab Showroom, with my favourite artist - Mr Andrew Rae!!!
The first ever ART purchase from my wallet! The fuchsia pink print!! One of fifty prints!! It was hard deciding on the colour...
Another favourite, Mr Rob Ryan!!! Crazy cut-outs art!!!
The man himself!!! He had moved his studio into The Somerset House to showcase his work and the process behind it! Mood-boards, samples, cards, knives and matts!... Amazing!!
Next up was EVENING TWEED... A collab of illustrators... One favourite here was Miss Sarah King!!! Just awesome illustrations!!
With Print Club London next up, seeing their work you just wanted to open your own screen printing press! Typography, imagery and all!!
There was a chance for individuals to make their own prints by selecting stamps and colour schemes... the artist present would just make one on the spot for you...
I was in awe with Mr Andrew Rae himself!!! I bought his Print and Zine - Love you work!!
We came home with 4 prints: 2 by Sarah King and 2 by Andrew Rae... where to now guys?!... The pub for Beer O'Clock and Lunch!!!...
Nice job!!! Love London Design!!!
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