A surprise appearance by Phillip and Julia at the Airport with Jana waiting to pick me up! I felt special and was reunited with my German World Youth Day Mates!!!
They planned an itinerary for me! First stop was Tetraeder - a metal pyramid style monument on to of a hill... hehe. That's the way they describes it!
It was a hike-and-half getting there! For some reason I'd thought that it was going to be cold in Essen, so I had packed very warm clothes, thermals and all! I was lucky to be blessed with a very sunny day!
After that detour, we had separated with Phil & Julia. Jana had welcomed me to her home and introduced me to he family: her Dad, Brother (Tobby), Sister (Sabrina), Sabrina's Boyfriend (Lutvig), later on her adorable Mother. Jana's Dad had prepared a BBQ for my arrival. I was staying in Sabrina's room while she stayed at Lutvig's apartment. After having lunch: German Sausages, Beef, Salads, Bread - Jana had taken me to her work, an ice cream parlor! Free ice cream is always a treat! Thanks Jana!!!
We then met up with Julia and Phil again. This time we were going to bike ride it!! I had Jana's bike.. It was a while since I rode a bike, so I expected to ache later on. We rode our bikes to a park called Grugapark. A very nice day to chill on a picnic blanket and chat (learn a few German words). Hehe
Finding the right spot was tricking but we finally got there.
We just laughed all afternoon, got to know PJJ and learnt a few German words...
Plans for dinner in the city after we all had freshen up from the hot sweaty day.
Spanish food on the menu....
I had to try the local beer in Essen!!
Followed by cheap cocktails and a few games of "Ping Pang Pong"...
Thanks Guys for a really good night!!! Poor Jana had to study for her exams that late evening and early morning! Hope you aced it!!!
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