A long exhausting flight can put you to sleep in the most uncomfortable places!!! We roughed it hard while we were in Spain!! Early morning flights, unsure buses to take us to Coach Terminals!

Bused it into Pamplona and was shocked to see the locals and foreigners get into the festive spirit by dressing up in the right colours!!! Red and white!

The bus and walk to the apartment us six were staying at! An amazing place!!!...

From what you can see on the TV screen was footage from the town centre of Pamplona. Masses of people on the streets, drenched in red wine or sangria, drunk off their faces in massive mosh pits... It was crazy!!!

The concoctions and attire begin!!!

Always the girls are being snuck into the apartments or hostels!!!

The vibrant colours and muisc filled the streets! Along with the drunken randoms!!

Met up with Alex and his mate Patesh.

Let the Sangria drinking and spilling begin!!!

This dude was getting busted for smoking weed and not sharing!! Lol... Awesome Police uniform ay!!?

OMG!!! It was THE GYPSY KINGS that were rocking the centre stage!!! Un-be-reeb-ab-rel!!!

Everyone was full getting in the music and feeling the vibe!!! Nice!!!

Bumped into Ian, Vanessa and Kat!!! Out of all places ha?! Ian was shitting himself thinking we were going to wet him! Lucky we were feeling generous!

The cutest kid ever!!!!

Randoms we met that got chatty!!...

While Tim, Rob Ninja went balabanting!.. The rest of us chilled and made friends with some locals... Funny and kind blokes!

We met his parents too!!! The cutest things!!!

They made our night considering the long wait in the cold from the 3 Amigos!!!
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