Beautiful landscape!!!... Where the Tectonic Plates are located separating North American and Eurasian Plates! Amazing ha?!

The water was so clear it was unbelievable!!!

Checked out the Geysir - the smell wasn't too good... Sulfur (egg smell) that lingered! Nice!

Amazing colours!!!

Watching the blow-hole and trying to capture it, required a heap of patience!

Arctic Adventures then took us to see the Waterfalls... but very briefly unfortunately as we were running behind for the White Water Rafting... ehemmm "Ninja" decided to take his time with taking photos!!! Boo! LOL. The other passengers were getting the shits esp. with their fellow American travelers! The Antis!!!

Time to "Raft-Suit-UP!!!!".... Into the dodgy school bus is where they drove us to the waters.

Denise kept laughing at Tim - "That is an extra large helmet already"!!.... LOL.

Go Team London!!!!

Ready for some cliff jumping?? That's right!!! CLIFF JUMPING!!!

Proud to say that - That was me jumping!!! It was heaps nerve wracking but you just had to not think about it and JUMP!!!... It knocked the air out of me!!! And into the freezing water!!!

Our Instructor - LUKE... funny guy! LEFT!!!! Right!!!! STRAIGHT!!!.... To the Raft!!!!...

Thanks Ninja for the PHOTOS!!!
It was a long day and a long drive back to the hotel. We had dinner at PIZZA HUT - all you can eat!!! LOL... in Iceland yes I know!
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